Saturday, October 17, 2015

Agriculture in Ancient Greece

                 Agriculture was a large part of the Ancient Greek civilization that majority of citizens took part in, It was tricky when it came to farming because of the rocking terrain. Ancient Greece mainly thrived on the growth of cereals and olive trees. Cereals are wheat, in which the Greeks grew in order to quickly grow large amounts of product more efficiently. Olive trees were easy to grow on the Greeks land. The many products of an olive tree include dates, olive oil, and olives.

              The rocky terrain gave the Greeks many limitations when it came to farming. The soil was hard, not fertile and some plants would often not be grow. Farmers weren't always able to water their crops, due to the short water supply. To help improve this water shortage the Greeks came up with an irrigation system that brings the water from all the way back to their town through a long connection of pipes. This provided everyone with fresh water to drink, wash clothes, bathe in, and to water their crops. 


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