Saturday, October 17, 2015

Minoan Civilization

                                             Europe's First Bronze Age Society

Located in the Mediterranean Sea Modern day create. A civilization arose as farmers at first.
From 2000-1400 B.C Minoans were an artistic culture, that made art for fun such as: pottery, paintings, sculptures, and jewelry. They spoke an unknown language which was lost when they were invaded and sacked by the Mycenaeans on the mainland.
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Minoans were mostly a mercantile people. They often traded with traders in saffron near the Aegean sea. The pottery and copper work was cherished by traders. Being an island Minoa needed many imports, which made pirates a problem. The Minoans created the first mercantile defense which protected trade ships from pirates.

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Minoa is also home of many myths. Like the myth about the endless labyrinth, that housed a huge
blood hungry Minotaur who devoured anyone that was thrown into the labyrinth.
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Mioans also have amazing architecture which along with their art was adopted by the Mycenaean invaders. Most of the building all had the same amount of rooms which show that their was a less diverse social structures. Their were a few palaces found but it is uncertain who the rulers were. The architecture consisted of columns and close quarter rooms.

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Being surrounded by ocean the Minoa had great natural protection. It had high cliffs which made it hard to doc to invade. Minoa played its advantage and built a huge navy. After being weakend by natural disasters the Crete island was invaded by Mycenaeans.

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