Sunday, October 11, 2015

Beginnings of Health 200 A.D.

One of the very first attempts at categorizing and understanding human health and anatomy was done by a Greek physician who went by the name of Galen of Pergamum. Galen  decided as a physician he had to understand the idea of good health and what factors played into whether your health was good or bad. Galen helped establish very early ideas on personal hygiene and health for the average person.
After much research and experience in his field Galen wrote a series of books laying down a very early foundation for health, anatomy, and human physiology.

Unfortunately Galen's work and research was not taken seriously or heeded for a very long time. Most of his research wasn't fully recognized or understood till the emergence of scientific biology and health in the seventeenth century where his ideas was regarded as revolutionary. The idea of keeping one's self clean and kept, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle through means of diet, activity, and environment were so too far from the priorities of Greek powers to have weight. Galen's work is known to science and medicine today as being rough but iconic as it was one of the first of it's kind and established ideas still used today.

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