Sunday, December 13, 2015


Christine Bridger 


HIST 100 Hunt

If the old world never came to the new world I 100% believe that there would not be as many 
diseases that developed then and we sure would not have as many ailments that we do now. When coming over from Europe, not only did the people bring along other people, animals, foods, bugs and weapons they also brought with them, sickness. They most likely did not know that their sickness would and could be transferred by mosquitoes, rats, flies but they unknowingly brought it with them which also brought forth death in the new world. If the Europeans took more care of they personal hygiene by bathing more often, changing their clothes or doing anything more than what they were, they would not have infected the entire Americas. Maybe it is just me and my opinion but if they did take better care of themselves, they may not of killed as many people as they intended to. Without any knowledge or the immunity to help take care of themselves, the Native Americans were completely blindsided by what these people brought along with them from their foreign countries and off their large ships. Since they did not know what they were dealing with, it was impossible for them to know how to treat whatever it was that their fellow tribal mates were going through and trying to fight off. And without being able to effectively communicate with the new foreign people, they were not able to ask how to help treat whatever sickness was taking over their tribes and villages. They did not have the resources or the correct medicine to help cure or prevent whatever illness the people were going through. Since they already had it in Europe, they were not affected by the sickness because they had already built their immune systems to help ward off and fight the diseases but without their knowledge to help them out, the Native Americans were fighting a battle that could not be won.

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