Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Protestant Reformation in Europe

      Europe was originally ruled mainly by the religious authority. The pope was said to be a divine ruler selected by God. They were trusted to make God-like decisions during their rule. Indulgences were sold to those who have sinned in order to have their sins forgiven in the Catholic church's eyes.
   The government and religious authority eventually broke in two after the protestant reformation. It all began with Luther's 95 thesis's that contradicted the Catholic church and their beliefs. He wanted to reform the church because of certain practices, such as the indulgences that weren't fair. He denied that the pope had the right to forgive one's sins.

   Eventually city-states began to break away from the Catholic church and practice these reforms made by Luther. City's slowly shifted to the practices of the protestant church. Kings gained absolute control over their kingdoms. Europe was said to be more similar to a democratic rule. The development of science was very large because the protestants were open to new ideas.

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