Wednesday, December 16, 2015

How money talks in politics

Hello, today I wanted to share share with you how corrupt our government system is. Today in our country individuals and companies have the power to purchase senators and house electors because they have the money to do so. During elections most of these companies toss money at certain candidates whose views reflect their own. 95% of the time when a candidate has more money than their opponent they will win that election. That is not a fact I created, that % is from the California senate elections from our 53 districts. Money talks and if we don't do something about this we will lose our ability to control our own government.

Today millions and millions of private money is flowing into the pockets of politicians. Since this is now legal companies are pooing their extra money into lobbying their own laws into the books. In all, businesses and their interest groups spent $2.6 billion on lobbying last year. Such expenditures are perfectly legal, while corporations and their lobbyists maintain that they are merely seeking to keep lawmakers informed on key issues.

Having the ability to lobby their own rules and laws into congress will only widen the gap between companies and citizens. This will further increase the wealth gap that everyone is already talking about. If we continue to let big business's rule our country, they will eventually become more powerful than our own government and take over the world. 

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