Thursday, December 24, 2015

Bombs away

Atomic Bomb

One of the most destructive weapons to be created by mankind, the atomic bomb. It was created during World War II in the Manhattan Project. The underground project was made to combat the Nazi's own research in atomic warfare. The results of the work lead to the "Little Boy" and " Fat Man". Two powerful, destructive bombs were ready to destroy any one that they were to be dropped on. "Little Boy" was dropped on Hiroshima and devastated the country.  Killing about ninety percent of the population, destroying around 5 squared miles and equal to about twelve to fifteen thousand tons of TNT. Although it destroyed Hiroshima, the Japanese didn't give up. So the United States dropped "Fat Man" on Nagasaki this time. More heavy and powerful than "Little Boy", the "Fat Man" caused even more destruction to the Japanese land. The Emperor of Japan later announced that Japan has surrender. 

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