Sunday, October 11, 2015

Who were the Goths?

The Goths were a Germanic tribe that was responsible for a part in the fall of the Roman empire. This allowed for them to gain influence in Northern Europe. Before the fall of the empire, Roman historian Tacitus first came into contact with the Goth's in Germany and was thoroughly impressed by their physique and culture. His descriptions of them are reminiscent of the Greek Spartans where he describes their military style, "this spear and a shield are all the armor of the cavalry. The foot have, besides, missile weapons, several to each man, which they hurl to an immense distance...". He continues on to describe what they wear and their philosophy as being, "lightly covered with a small mantle; and have no pride in equipage: their shields only are ornamented with the choicest colors. Few are provided with a coat of mail and scarcely here and there one with a casque or helmet...". In terms of leadership, the goths chose kings in, " regard[s] to birth; in that of generals, to valor. 

Their kings have not an absolute or unlimited power; and their generals command less through the force of authority, than of example". 

The Gothic religion was a form of paganism where they emphasized the spirit's of the land, ancestors, and the primacy of Norse gods. When Christian missionaries tried to convert the Goth's, they retaliated by persecuting them since they saw Christianity as a Roman religion. This persecution was an attempt to preserve Gothic culture and heritage but would later turn into the Gothic Civil Wars. 
Nordic god, Freyr who was the god of "sacral kingship, virility and prosperity, with sunshine and fair weather, and was pictured as a phallic fertility god".


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