Sunday, October 11, 2015

Jesus R. The Battle Of Thermopylae

The heat of battle
The Battle Of Thermopylae 
After the embarrassing defeat at the Battle of Marathon, the Persians decided to seek revenge against the Greeks under the new leadership of king Xerxes. Awaiting Xerxes at the gate, where 300 spartan's and seven thousand hoplites from other states, all being lead by the king of Sparta, Leonidas I. Leonidas's and Xerxes's army's clashed and fought for two days non stop, on the second day one of Leonidas fellow Greek betrayed him by informing the Persians of a passage that leads behind Greek line. Leonidas learned of this and gave him men the option to leave and return home, 700 Thespians, 400 Thebans and all 300 Spartans stayed behind to create what would later be know as histories greatest last stand. Leonidas and men meet death but there story will always be remembered, till this day The Battle Of Thermopylae is used as an example of patriotic soldiers and the advantages of training.


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