Monday, October 12, 2015

Greek Democracy

 In the ancient city-state of Athens an early form of democracy was practiced for about 100 years. At first it was an experiment that the public fell in love with. In order for ones word to to be herd in ancient Greek democracy they must be a citizen. Unlike american democracy today where people are voted in, names were drawn and 500 free male would serve for a year. These 500 men created new laws along with changing  older laws during the year appointment. Once the laws had been written up Athens as a whole would vote to pass or deny the law. Greek democracy was see as a form of direct democracy, as Pericles stated "It is true that we (Athenians) are called a democracy, for the administration is in the hands of the many and not the few, with equal justice to all alike in their private disputes."This form of direct democracy came to an end when Athens lost the Peloponnesian war.
The united states is a democratic republic nation but many characteristics can be seen in the Acient Greek form of democracy. Everyone is eligible to vote for laws and the majority rules. The basis of our own government started with this early form of democracy seen in Greece.

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