Sunday, October 11, 2015

Christian World View vs Greek World View

Metaphysics is concerned with what is most fundamentally real. In the Christian world view, God was what was most fundamentally real. God is the supreme Creator who can make things out of nothing. In the Greek world view, the Forms are what is most fundamentally real. The Forms are unchanging, immune to the changes of the material world. They are the truth behind the world's appearances and illusions. They are what is stable and unchangeable, two characteristics considered most real to them. 
Epistemology is concerned with what we can know and how we can know it. For the Christian world view, any distractions from God prevent us from gaining knowledge of God and His presence. You can know God just by having faith. In the Greek world view, our opinions get in the way of allowing us to know the Forms. You can know the Forms through intuition, memory, imagination, logic, and mathematics. 

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